let's look!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

new for fcpw

new you will see this logo every Thursday
what does this mean 
what is it 
why am i asking you this question 
well it mean remember the old comic you guys made well i bringing them back
just send me your igloomade comic 
here is my email
just send it and i might reply to you on Wednesday to tell you i will post them
and they might be posted the top two each week
they will get a megashout out too
here are the artistic how gave me this idea 
here's your megashout out
and schoolrocker48 
here there pics
now schoolrocker48
there are rules to the pics 
1:No Bad Words or visual bad things in the picture :
We do not allow any rude, inappropriate language or behavior. This includes swearing, racism, talking about drugs, sex or alcohol.
if you do i will not give you a megashout out and show your pic   
2: Respect Others:
                               We do not tolerate bullying, or being mean to others.
more rules coming 

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